In The News
December 8, 2022
C&O, together with the Northwestern Center on Wrongful Convictions, file Petition for Certificate of Innocence on behalf of recent exoneree Jose Cruz, who spent nearly 29 years in prison for a murder he did not commit and for which he was framed by disgraced Chicago Police Detective Reynaldo Guevara and his crew of corrupt officers. Jose was exonerated on July 12, 2022, after the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office announced it would no longer contest his post-conviction claims and Cook County Circuit Court Judge Tyria Walton vacated his convictions and dismissed his indictment.
November 1, 2022
C&O clients, parents of extraordinarily bright and promising 20-year-old student, Yaakov Ben-David, file a wrongful death lawsuit against Iowa State University and several of its employees, for reckless and negligent conduct resulting in the tragic and entirely preventable drowning death of Yaakov during an ISU Crew Club water practice on Little Wall Lake in Hamilton County, Iowa. Read a news article about the lawsuit here.
June 23, 2021
C&O clients, three Chicago residents, sue City’s parking meters vendor, Chicago Parking Meters LLC (“CPM”), for illegal monopoly restricting alternative forms of transportation for 75 years. Plaintiffs are asking the Court to allow them to represent a class of all persons who are licensed drivers paying for CPM parking meters. They are also asking the Court to enter an injunction restraining CPM from collecting any additional revenue until CPM’s agreement with the City is reformed to allow active regulation and rebidding at reasonable intervals.
March 1, 2021
Chanen & Olstein client Robert Smith Jr., a Burge-era torture victim who spent 33 years in prison for a crime he did not commit, files an 11-Count lawsuit in federal court against the City of Chicago, eight former Chicago Police Department Detectives, and a former Cook County prosecutor. Smith seeks more than $33 million in compensatory damages and $33 million in punitive damages.
February 2, 2021
Chanen & Olstein clients, Village of Mount Pleasant and Racine County taxpayers, sue Taiwanese electronics giant, Foxconn, for violating massive municipal development contract, seeking hundreds of millions of dollars in damages.
November 1, 2020
Chanen & Olstein celebrates its one-year anniversary!!!
October 23, 2020
Chanen & Olstein client Robert Smith Jr. fully exonerated after 33 years in prison for a crime he did not commit.
September 9, 2020
Huge victory for C&O client Deon Patrick. The U.S. Court of Appeals affirms $13.4 Million wrongful conviction jury award.
August 10, 2020